Sunday, August 5, 2012

Train Ride

Yesterday we took a ride on the miniature train at Lester Rail Trail.  They offer these rides 3 times a year, usually June, August and October.  There are only 1-2 days that these rides are scheduled, and usually they take place from 12:30-4:30.  You can google the Medina County Park District and look up the events to determine the next time the trains will run.  Train rides are free!  Please see the "Upcoming Events" blog for more information.

                                           The girls on one of the miniature train rides...

Kaylee and Lindsey Rating: 5/5...the girls have always enjoyed riding the miniature train.  We got there right at 12:30 and got onto a train quickly.  By the time we left, the wait was much longer, so try and get there as close to 12:30 as possible.

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