Monday, June 17, 2013

Back to the Summer Activity Schedule

We thought we would try some new things this summer, since we tend to have a short list of things that we do every year.  On Mother's Day, we went to Stan Hywet Hall.  My mom went too.  Since we were both mothers, we got in free.  Lindsey was also free due to her age (either under 5 or under 6, but not sure).  We got to go for the grand total of $6.  We went and visited the Seiberling house first, which is actually really worth seeing, especially when you get to see the pool, which was also my kids favorite part.  Photography in the house is prohibited.  You can also walk the grounds, which we did, and it is very pretty and there are a lot of photo opportunities. 
Stan Hywet Hall is located at 714 North Portage Path in Akron, Ohio.  They are open between April 2 and December 30 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.  The are not open on Mondays.  Check out their website for prices at

Kaylee and Lindsey rating: 4/5--the girls loved running around, but there are obviously not any things that they can climb on and they got a little restless during the home tour.

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