Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hanging out in the Jungle

Today we decided to go to Amazone, in Medina, Ohio.  Amazone is an indoor play area.  There are slides, and bunch of things for the kids to climb in and play in.  For an additional fee, there is also laser tag and there are arcade games.  We had a playdate here with one of Kaylee's friends from school.  Admission to the playground is $8 for kids ages 3 and older and $4 if under 3.  There is a toddler playground for little kids, but the little ones can go on the bigger playground...with a parent.  They sell food like chicken nuggets and pizza, drinks, candy, slushies, etc.  Today we got cheesy bread and the kids liked it and it tasted better than what you would get at Chuck E. Cheese, which, if I haven't mentioned before, I hate.  Amazone is located at 2789 Medina Rd (Route 18).  The website is www.myamazone.com.  Check groupon for discounts-I got 2 admissions for $8.  They will also give you a punch card to gain free admission after several paid admissions, and they tend to give out dollar off coupons at local parades (i.e. Brunswick Old Fashioned Days).

                                         The girls in front of some of the slides at Amazone.

Kaylee and Lindsey Rating: 5/5-the kids always have fun here.  They get a wrist band with a number on it and they give the parent a slip of paper with the numbers on it.  You need it to get out with your kids.

So, clearly this didn't last the whole day.  To kill time, I decided to try an activity from Pinterest.  If you are not already on Pinterest, I highly suggest joining...they have great ideas!  This one was for ice excavating.  Basically, you freeze toys in a block of ice and have the kids get them out.  I added a drop of blue food coloring and added in some fish and mermaids.  I froze it overnight.  I let it sit out for about 15 minutes prior to play so that the ice would come out of the container.  I didn't really know what to give the girls to try and get the toys out, so I gave them a metal knife sharpener, since the end was not sharp.  I was doubting their ability to actually get it, but have to admit that I am quite impressed with their strength and determination.  They did a number on the block of ice, retreived all of their toys and had a great time doing it!

                                          One ice block with sea creatures frozen inside
                                          Two determined children
                                                    A successful rescue mission...Ariel is
                                                    saved from the evil iceberg.

To end the night, we had a playdate with their friend.  The kids played in the sandbox, on the swings and rode in the Barbie Jeep.  We even drove down to the lake so they could feed the ducks.  All in all, a good day!

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